Kahite Ladies Social Activity Details
Ladies Birthday Luncheon - Kahite
What We Do: This is a monthly social luncheon to celebrate birthday honorees and an excuse to meet other Kahite ladies and try various restaurants in the area. This is a great way to grow your social network and get introduced to other ladies living in Kahite.
Who Can Attend: This luncheon is open to ALL Kahite ladies each month, it does not have to be your birthday month.. The names of those ladies who are celebrating a birthday that month are included in the monthly notification.
When We Meet: The luncheon is held the 3rd Friday of every month. I send out an email about 2 weeks before the Birthday Luncheon with time and location.
Where We Meet: It is held at various nearby restaurants.
How Do I Attend: Simply reply to the notice sent out on the Kahite Neighborhood Group email. The way you get your name on the list is by attending a birthday luncheon and giving me your name and birthday month.

Ladies Lunch and Movie - Kahite
What We Do: Nobody wants to watch a movie alone. Here is a chance to catch a movie with lady friends in Kahite. We have lunch at a nearby restaurant before we attend the movie. We always include a brief description of the movie.
Who Can Attend: ALL ladies in Kahite are invited to attend.
When We Meet: There is no assigned date, it just depends when there is a good movie. We try to pick different days of the week. We will send out an email with the date.
Where We Meet: We will have lunch near the movie we will be seeing. We go to various theaters.
How Do I Attend: Ladies just need to respond to the email sent to the Kahite Neigborhood Group email list, if they wish to come. Carpooling can be arranged for those who want it.

Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show (Tellico Village)
What We Do: Ladies luncheon and fashion show. Fashions are provided by various clothing boutiques. There are also various vendors at each Luncheon selling their goods. There are usually between 180-200 ladies attending.
Who Can Attend: ALL ladies in Tellico Village are invited to attend.
When We Meet: The Luncheon and Fashion Show meets the first Wednesday of the month September through May. An email will be sent to the Kahite Neighborhood Group email list as a reminder of the upcoming event.
Where We Meet: This event is held at the Yacht Club.
How Do I Attend: The cost is $20 for the lunch. Kahite ladies write on their check that they want to be seated at the Kahite table. Checks need to be at the Yacht club 0ne week before the event. Checks are made out to Tellico Village Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show.